Persuasive Essay On A Person My Father

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We all have a father. Whether it is in a biological sense or a parental sense most people have someone to call their father. The question is: What makes a person our father? Is it the blood running through our veins or the actions that a person has shown us throughout a certain period of time? This question is one that is often debated, especially for a child going through some kind of struggle such as a divorce, a custody suit, a sense of wonder about who they should call their father or if they should even call anyone father. At 17 years old my life was thrown into chaos, in a good way, when my younger sister was born. Her biological father was in her life for the first three months of her life and then he walked out. He left for another woman and helped support her children but would not even acknowledge his own child. So my mother was left alone to raise my little sister. Granted my …show more content…

It is also said that if the father signs a birth certificate and the Alfa-David signed in order to sign the birth certificate, that they are also considered the father of that child that they signed the birth certificate for. Alabama law also states that in some cases if the child debated over has been taken care of for a certain number of years that they will be considered the father. However, this circumstance is mostly applied to divorce custody suits. There are also circumstances where the father might not be allowed visitation of any kind, such as drug abuse as mentioned above. However, Alabama does not look at the actions or decisions as a whole of a father to determine if he is the father of a child. They will look at the legal definition of a father before they look at the actions of a father, which can sometimes be unfair to the child and end up hurting them in the long

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