Persuasive Essay On A Dog

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Each year, 3.9 million dogs enter a shelter each year, 1.2 million of those dogs are euthanized a year. Dogs should not be dying simply because they do not have a home. The saying goes “a dog is a man’s best friend”, but is a man a dog’s best friend? I believe rather than buying dogs from a breeder, we should adopt dogs instead. My three main points are, you’ll be saving a life, it costs less, and pets are good for your health. When you adopt a dog, you will be saving its life. Each year, 1.2 million dogs are euthanized because they are not adopted. This happens because there are too many dogs coming into a shelter, and too little people looking to adopt. Adopting a single dog is also kind of a save one, save another deal. When you buy a dog from a shelter, you are also opening up its spot for another animal. Dogs are wonderful animals who have great loyalty towards their owners, it’s saddening to think that they are put down because they don’t have a home. It costs less than buying a brand …show more content…

Dogs are very active and energetic creatures, and need to be constantly moving. By playing with your dog, you both are receiving the exercise you both need. When you take your dog for a walk, you also are walking. Some people even train their dog to run beside them as they go for a morning jog or run. Not only are they good for your physical health, they can also be good for your mental health. Dogs are some of the most loving creatures on the planet, and they have a deep devotion towards their owners. Caring for a pet can make you feel important, and give you a sense of purpose. Your dog wouldn’t be around if you weren’t. They also can eliminate a sense of loneliness. Having a house to yourself sounds cool, but it can get lonely after a while. Get a dog or three and suddenly you feel less alone. Dogs will sit by you through movies, sleep next to you in your bed, and much more. Dogs can make you feel like a much better person

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