Persuasive Essay On 1984 By George Orwell

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Have you ever felt as is our government is trying to control us? In George Orwell’s book “1984” he points out that the government had people watching them doing their everyday things. He says that the government wants control of everything in their lives. They have this all knowing person called “Big Brother” which is always watching them.

In the book, Orwell describes life as decisions being chosen by everyone except yourself. They are not allowed to have their own thoughts. Therefore, when Winston got caught as being a non-believer in Big Brother he got put in jail and was starved and tortured. During the book it mentions that the party got O’Brien to watch Winston and Julia for about 7 years. Winston and Julia had trusted O’Brien with their secret of defying the government. In the end it was O’Brien whom they thought was part of the Brotherhood, a secret organization that did not agree with the party and was trying to take down Big Brother, was the one to betray them and turn them into the government.

In the end of book three Winston decides that although he had supposedly loved Julia with all his heart, after he saw the starved rats in a cage, he decided that he would rather have Julia be tortured rather than himself. The book points out that marriage is just so you can have children and …show more content…

The articles point out that the government wants a perfect reality even though they know it will not ever be perfect. And you have to believe everything the party tells you, even though you know it’s not right. “Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four. If that is granted, all else follows.” (Orwell 69) According to the article by Michiko Kakutani, people care more about tabloids than the news and would much rather try to believe in something they know isn’t really true. “The dystopia described in George Orwell’s nearly 70-year-old novel “1984” suddenly feels all too familiar.” (Kakutani

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