Persuasive Essay: Mrs. Pippin's Class

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Mattalyn Oxford
Persuasive Essay
Mrs.Pippin’s Class

Since we are at the pet store buying a new pet the obvious choice is a hamster. I would want a little fuzzball running around than a scaly slithery creature. I really want a hamster. I would cuddle the hamster,and take pictures of it and talk to it. No one in my family has bad allergy issues.

I want one to cuddle because I miss my brothers being home to hug and play video games with. I think a hamster would be a perfect size pet to replace my brothers with. I would buy it's food and cage. I would use my allowance to pay for everything.

I also want one to take pictures of because when i get a little bit older i want to be in the photography/film business. I think a hamster would

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