Persuasive Essay: Leave Animals In The Classroom

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A lot of people think that animals that are allowed in classrooms such as a “ Class pet”, but really when you look closely at the facts, they can cause health problems and it can be very hard on an animal to live in a school classroom outside its natural habitat. I strongly feel that animals in the classroom are unnecessary. One of the first reasons that you should not have a class pet is because they can cause health problems for the animal and the kids. From an article called “ Leave animals out of the classroom”, it states that many animals die from their environment in the classroom. So why would you want to take an animal out of it's natural environment to put it in a classroom so it can have health problems and just die. From the …show more content…

From “Leave animals out of the classroom” says that it can be hard for an animal that is in classroom because , let's say that a certain animal needs to live in certain temperature, and that temperature is cold, well then the students get cold so the temperature gets adjusted and now it's warm in the classroom. Don't you think it would be hard on an animal that is used to being in the cold suddenly in the warm? So the temperature is adjusted to the students liking, and then it can become hard on the animal to live in the classroom. To add on to that , what happens if a power outage occurs over the weekend and an animal needs a light to keep itself warm such as a turtle. Then if a power outage occurs on a Friday night then it doesn't come back on till Monday then it has a very high chance of dieing every time that there is something wrong such as a power outage. So every break every weekend you have a chance of the animal getting killed or having a hard time in the classroom , and if it dies it will just get the kids that got really attached to the animal then the animal dies and then the kids will get depressed because of it's death. So if you just want your students to become depressed just because of a classroom pet dieing then no pets in classrooms is a great

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