Persuasive Essay Homelessness

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Homelessness in America has always remained a present issue, and while recently there has been a small decline in the trends, this hasn’t always been the case (AHAR, 2014). According to Drier (2004) before the Reagan Administration took hold on America, the number of homeless people was minimal and the typical homeless person was a middle-aged alcoholic male. But soon after Reagan took office, the homeless issue became a much more widespread issue; with average people becoming homeless, the numbers skyrocketed to over 1 million homeless people in the United States. With the number of homeless people drastically increasing, organizations began to design systematic responses to handling the influx in homeless people.
These many strategies …show more content…

For one, this approach provides immediate stable housing to homeless individuals or families. Research on the effectiveness of the program was completed by Greenwood et al. (2005) and found that participants remain stably housed for long periods of time, regardless of a history of chronic homelessness. Findings by Aubry, Ecker, & Jette (2014) also found that Housing First has proved to be more effective in improving housing stability, while reducing homelessness, hospitalization, and incarcerations. Housing First works to get people off the streets permenantly, but also seeks to address many other issues the individual may be facing such as mental illness or substance abuse; issues typically related to homelessness (AHAR, 2014). While many participants may be skeptical about the services attached to their newfound housing, it has been found that the services offered are quite flexible to meet the needs of the individual (Ecker et al., 2014). Consumers of the services are able to choose, modify, or refuse services if they wish, as well as set their own goals in treatment programs (Ecker et al., 2014). This form of housing also allows for secondary benefits. Individuals housed through the Housing First approach are typically housed in close proximity to others facing similar difficulties, allowing a sense of community to build and foster (Collins et al., 2012). Having a sense of belonging can improve attitudes on building and developing positive relationships with others, which can serve as a safety net to detect early warning signs of an impending crisis (Collins et al., 2012). Another secondary benefit would be overall improved health of those in the Housing First approach, as well as better, cheaper access to health care (Larimer et al., 2009). It is also argued that the Housing First approach is a cheaper alternative

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