Persuasive Essay: Focus On Volleyball

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Topic #1 Focus Focus is really important when it comes to volleyball or even any other sport. Volleyball you need to be consistent and when your focus is consistent it will lead you to the right path. When you step on to that volleyball court, it’s time to focus on volleyball. Focus on how consistent you are as a volleyball player and nothing else that matters in that moment. Focusing is like the main piece for the wheel of excellence. You will get a piece of everything that will help you for your future goals

Topic #2 Imagery Imagery is like a vision. We have to imagine things before we go out and do them. Visualizing could be used in many ways, like day dreaming. You have to see a perfect vision in what we want and that will push your performance to the next level. Making visualization will help you prepare ahead of time and it will give you that extra fuel you need to dominate in real life and in the sports realm.

Topic 3 Self talk …show more content…

Look at everything as positive experience like for Ex. If one of your teammates encourage you during practice but say it in a high tone look at it as positive because most of the time their encouraging you do to become a better player and person and then you have to talk to yourself with positive thoughts in order to keep your drive going. Staying positive could be hard, after having a challenging try out or not learning it the first time or second, third or fourth time. You just have to look at positive things that make you happy. View yourself succeed and that will make a positive

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