Persuasive Essay Against Nuclear Power

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I am all for nuclear power because of all the nuclear meltdowns and disasters not one has been caused by system failure, but rather through human negligence/ error or natural disaster. Also because nuclear Energy provides a constant source of energy, running 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, without disruption or limitations depending on weather. The are are so many reasons why you should be on board with nuclear power. Just like there are so many reasons why you should be against nuclear power.The existing and future nuclear waste can be diminished through waste recycling, as well as waste reprocessing (breeder reactors). Here are some more reasons why you should be on board with nuclear energy. the technology needed for Nuclear Power plants …show more content…

Another reason is because it can be established technologies for building nuclear power plants. Another reason is nuclear fuel is not expensive and easier for transportation. The last reasons are Highly Efficient No carbon dioxide (CO2) and Cheap Energy. That’s why i’m all for nuclear power are you against it or are you all for it. There are so many reasons to be all for nuclear power, but the main reason is zero emissions: Nuclear power produces 20 percent of America’s electricity and 70 percent of our carbon-free electricity today. In contrast, wind and solar power provide only 2 percent of our electricity and only 6 percent of our carbon-free electricity. Nuclear also produces none of the air pollution that comes from burning fossil fuels. Reliable: America’s nuclear reactors operate 90 percent of the time, making nuclear our most reliable source of electricity. Renewable energy is intermittent, with power available only when the wind blows or the sun shines about a third of the time. It’s hard to imagine a strong economy that can run its computers, factories and air conditioning only one-third of the

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