Persuasive Essay Against Abortion

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Abortion is an issue of competing rights between women and a non-autonomous entity, or babies if you will. Some believe there is never any good reason to have an abortion. Others think there are exceptions that make abortion justifiable such as rape, incest, unhealthy, or high-risk pregnancies in which the woman’s health in on danger. Others think abortion is never justifiable in any situation. This debate on whether the rights of an non-autonomous, unconscious entity outweigh that of a woman is simple, the woman’s rights are always more important since the unborn are not protected under the law. There are a number of reasons that abortion should remain legal. One of those reasons being that denying access to abortion services endangers women’s …show more content…

Since only women live with the results of an unwanted or unhealthy pregnancy it is biased to criminalize abortion and punish women for undergoing the procedure. Motherhood typically limits resources to education and employment as well as other areas of life. Forcing women to become mothers places us in a submissive role in society further strengthening the inequalities women face in economic, educational, and political life. Whereas, abortion allows women to participate equally in society because she can choose when she wants to enter into motherhood. Laws that deny access to abortion effectively remove women’s ability to make decisions about her own body and life and keep women from equally exercising her human rights and fundamental freedoms. This is similar to denying women from making political, social, economic, social, and cultural decisions. Society never makes any attempts to control men’s bodies the way they do women. Abortion has made women equal by giving us the chance to manage our own bodies. Abortion restrictions are typically shaped after enforcing stereotypical sex roles of society, therefore they should be

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