Persuasive Essay About Space Exploration

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Although it seems as if we have enough problems that need to be solved on earth, we still need to invest our time and money into space exploration. Whether it's the inventions that help us right now, or ways we will benefit in the future, the price of space exploration is worth it.

There are a variety of things we use in our world today, that were designed for space exploration. Insulation, which is used to keep heat inside your house during the winter (and outside during the summer) was first invented to protect astronauts from the changes in temperature. Scratch resistant lenses for glasses were originally made for space helmets, and are now used for glasses and cameras. Water filters made from cartridges that use iodine to clean, were also designed for space exploration so that astronauts could have clean water in space. This technology is also now used in many municipal water filtration plants.

Space exploration has, and will, benefit us greatly. It creates over 7000 jobs. We are learning more and more about our universe, which can help predict weather and natural disasters. If we continue to learn about space, we can continue to learn and understand more things about the universe. …show more content…

Even though we need to fund other things that we currently need on earth, we need to think about how this will greatly help in the future. Space exploration should continue to be government funded because the government will have more resources to go to for support for many different things than private companies. It’s also easier to be informed about projects and what is being discovered because the government information is current and very reliable, where it can be harder to find information from private

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