Persuasive Changing School Schedule

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If you were raised in public schools, you’re probably very familiar with how the yearly schedule works: go to school for nine months then get off for the long awaited summer break. But what if this schedule was different? I would like to address issues that the current schedule brings and provide solutions to them, for example student productivity, stress levels and career preparedness.

The proposed schedule change would be a good idea firstly because it’s likely that productivity in high school students would increase. All through grade school we are taught during the fall, winter and spring, then let on break for the summer. During the school year, students are accustomed to waking up early every morning, going to school all day to carry out a fixed routine, then going home or to extracurricular activities at the end of the day. Unfortunately, once summer break arrives, students do not follow this schedule at all. As a high school student, I know people that during the summer will completely reverse their entire sleep schedule; they wake up in the evening, stay up until dawn and then sleep all day. This is obviously unhealthy and unproductive, but with the new school year schedule change, it will not leave near as much time for students to adapt to …show more content…

During the regular school year, we have eight classes in total for a quarter. Balancing this number of classes plus extracurricular activities and often a job can be nearly impossible. With three classes, there would obviously still be a lot of work seeing as the classes would be more intensive; however, students would not have to balance the other five classes on top of that. If they’re able to focus more on one core class and their two electives, they’ll be able to concentrate more on what they’re

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