Perspective On Morality And Breaking The Law

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Starting with perspective one I would like to point out the key points. Laws are there to provide peace and avoid chaos, although we should follow the laws if there are things that people may disagree with. Instead of just keeping quiet they should have the right to speak out about it without necessarily breaking the law. Breaking the law wont make it change but discussion of why the law is unjust and why the law was put in place in the first place is bound to make more progress than breaking the law to prove a point. Perspective two, I don't completely agree with the statement that people have a moral obligation to break laws that are unjust, unfair, or immoral. I would more say the entirety of perspective two will get you no where but in trouble and in jail or in legal trouble with the law. …show more content…

Listening to criminals is less likely. Perspective three, out of the three perspectives presented to me this is the perspective I agree with the most. Breaking the law is not the way to go, and as it states in this perspective breaking the law often comes at a greater personal cost. I agree that you would be morally impacted by breaking the law instead of being a responsible adult individual and speaking out in a respectful

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