Personal Statement: My Goals For Coming To America

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Ten years ago I came to America from my native homeland of Iran. I came to America as a woman with very little skills, and knowledge of the culture, and with a major language barrier to overcome. One major reason for me leaving my homeland was because wives, mothers, and daughters even in today 's culture and society are still looked upon as homemakers, minorities, and second-class citizens. Upon arriving to America, I knew having little money and a lack of family support, I felt as if my future and dreams were already doomed for the start. The first thing I did when I arrived to America was to attempt to land some sort of job so I could take care of my family. It was not easy, but I was able to secure full time employment at a local daycare …show more content…

Working and going to school fulltime, living in a new country, and learning a new language was and still is monumental task but I have enjoyed every minute of my new found success and freedom. My father told me before he died, in America dreamers turned into doers, and doers turned dreamers which make great leaders as long as the profession a man chooses is hard honest …show more content…

Upon completion of receiving my degree, I plan on applying to both the University of Pennsylvania and Texas A & M in hopes of completing my goals within two to three years. At this time my husband and I will also be trying to secure our families future by purchasing a home near my work. Additionally my husband and I are in the process of filling for a green card so my mother can become a citizen of the United States. After my mother citizenship has been approved and is able to live in America, this is when I will look into having a baby. Having at least one child would be hard but by having a great support network in place would make the situation an ideal one for my

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