Personal Statement: High School Student Council

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Application For John F. Hodge High School Student Council Student Name: Cassanndra Matthews Parent Name: Tannie Sauers ( Matthews ) Parent Phone Number: ( 573 ) 889 - 8269 Your Phone Number: N/A Do You Have Facebook? Yes, I do. Grade: 12th Years in Student Council: 1 Year What extracurricular activities have you been involved in this past school year? (2013-2014) At the beginning of the past school year I was the vice president of Enviromental Club, but near the middle to end of the school year, I became the president. Since Student Council is a leadership club, what leadership roles have you held in this past school year? As stated previously, I was the president of our schools Environmental Club, I was also the President of …show more content…

Though I do not disagree that responsibility and self discipline are traits that are expected of students, I do fear that not giving the extra push that I believe they need to want to be more involved, may be leaving some of them in the cracks. I also have many ideas for rewarding not just the seniors, but all grades 9th-12th. One of the ideas that I have for rewarding our students, is by offering those who have a 90% attendance and are not failing any classes a “party day” once a quarter. This “party day” would consist of all those meeting the requirements gathering together in a classroom, or the gym, and having a relaxed day by watching movies, playing games, eating and drinking snacks ( provided either by fundraising, student council, or our peers ). Although I realize that this offer may have flaws and/or cons, I am very positive of the pros that this may provide to our students, their parents, our teachers, and over all, our …show more content…

For me, I would be able to take pride in knowing that I am a positive contributor to my school. I also feel it would be beneficial to have a role in student council, because I would able to provide a large variety of our student’s opinions and feelings on topics, as I am quite a social butterfly and do know many, many of our students on a more personal level. This, I believe, would lead to me being able to contribute new and improved ideas to better our school. I can make Student Council a priority in my life by reminding myself of these things, and using them as a personal incentive to be a leader, a positive role model, and overall, an upstanding

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