Personal Score For The Self-Esteem Test

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1.A. Personality Test My result of the Kiersey Temperament Sorter II was Guardian. They described a guardian as having natural talent in managing goods and services. Also that Guardians can have fun with their friends but still are serious about their responsibilities. Guardians are also practical and down to earth, they believe in following the rules. Guardians also tend to like schedules. After reading the results, I found it to accurately describe me. I love schedules and having everything written on my calendar. I might not always write it down but I remember in my head. As a supervisor at a restaurant I related to being able to manage goods and services since I do it every time I work. Also since I work at a restaurant it is very social environment but I still have to get my work done. B. Self-Esteem Test: 79 …show more content…

The results stated that I don’t concern myself too much about being rejected by others although sometimes I do mind. It also stated that rejection by people in my life may very well hurt me but you try not to affect how I feel about myself. Also, that I respect and approve of myself. The score I got was something I agree it. I feel like have good self-esteem but could be improved in some areas. I really agreed with what it said. I care about what people think but I don’t let that stop me from being me. I don’t think of myself as perfect but I am the best version I think of me. I think I have just the right amount of self confidence without being

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