Personal Reflection: The Need To Listen To Your Body

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Patients are in constant conversation with their bodies–how will they feel tomorrow? Will they be able to tolerate the pain of an activity? If they are active now, what price will they pay later? They know that their body is telling them “No!”, but because Patients are often in the prime of their life when they are affected with RA/PsA, family and work duties take priority over heeding their bodies warnings, so they fight through the pain and discomfort
It talks and sometimes I listen. I can be in a lot of pain. But I have to get up and do it. I don’t always listen to my body. I have pain. I just deal with it – RA, Chi
Listen to your body and react accordingly. I am listening to my body, but I’m not always acting accordingly – RA, NYC
Hell no! I’m not at a place where I am listening closely. I don 't …show more content…

This is me – RA, NYC
This is how I feel. It is so present in my mind compared to something that shows up on an x-ray. It is validating what I am feeling – RA, Chi
The main idea really hits home. I struggle with this. Listen and take control before it is too late – PsA, Dallas
I just can’t not go to work today because my hands or knees hurt. I have responsibilities. I have to be two different people – RA, Dallas
“Listen to your Body” refers to two benefits. First, it is giving the Patient permission to heed their body’s call for help with a more effective medication, rather than powering through on their current treatments. It also addresses that pain the body’s way of alerting them to the bigger issue of joint damage and that action needs to be taken
This is telling me by not listening I am doing more damage. You are causing irreversible damage when you don’t listen to your body – RA,

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