Personal Narrative: Working With My Uncle

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This year was a great year to go to work with my uncle. Last year he had tore a muscle in his leg and had to go and have surgery on it so he was not even going to work, so if he was not there we could not go there. My uncle has twin boys they are nine and one likes this kind if stuff, and the other one likes to read and other stuff. So it’s me and keegan today because connor is going to the flower shop my grandma owns. The reason my parents aren't taking me is Because my mom works as a helper for special needs and you need to be 18 or older. And my dad had past so my uncle is like my dad just not a full time dad he acts just like my dad. I woke up at like 4:30 and got ready, it was a early day. We got there after the 45 minute drive and a long car karako montage. And we also got to watch a marvel movie and I did not care that there was a long drive because I had wifi. So we had, wifi, movies,music and had a nice rode there and the ride back is a whole nother story. …show more content…

ANd about half way through by little cousin whispers to my uncle and said “dad I have to go to the bathroom.” And so a girl that was in the meeting room afford to take him and she did and about 10 minutes she comes back and goes I don't know what happened he’s gone. Well it turns out that he had gone the complete wrong way and ended up on the wrong side of the

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