Personal Narrative: Why I Start A New School

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I can’t imagine why my mom would do this to me. Taking a new job in a different state. Making me move, and making me start a new school. The only reason why she took this job was because of my dad. It was all his fault. He pulled me closer behind his back. He was about to die for me. This was strange for me because nobody would risk their life for me. Not in this situation. Not when you knew you could die. I was scared I didn’t know what was about to happen. I was trying to keep a positive mind. I only tried to be positive because the tiny door cracked. Tiny, wrinkly, green fingers with long nails poked through and more joined in. I knew my only friend was about to be stipped away of his life. I was living in New York before. I had two parents who loved each other, …show more content…

“Not that long ago, actually. I was just like you. Curious about that tiny door. Until I opened that door too.” He paused for a moment looking up wondering if I wanted to hear more. “That place isn’t as wonderful as it looks. It’s actually a horrible place to be.” I noticed he had his hand wrap around his wrist. He was hiding something. “That’s when it caught me. It bit me, so now i'm slowly turning into one of those things.” He lifted his head and removed his hand from around his wrist. His wrist was like the color of the live grass outside. I walked over there to stand in front of him. We both sat down on the floor. “Tell me more about these things” I whispered softly. We both sat there on the dust covered floor for an hour him telling me about what happened. There was strange noises coming from behind the door. He glanced over to look. I saw what he was looking at. Fingers poked through the cracks in the door. Forming more cracks. “Start standing up slowly, turn away, and walk up those stairs.” He whispered without looking at me. “I mean it start slowly walking away.” I didn’t want to leave him there not after what he had told

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