Personal Narrative: When I Got My Dog

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“ A man’s best friend is their dog,” said by many people throughout their lifetime. It’s been said so much that’s it's a common thing to know or to say. In some cases dogs are more loyal and trustworthy then some of the corrupt people that walks or ever walked on the earth today or even in the past. Which reminds me of this other quote,” Be the person that your dog thinks you are.” Now this remind me of my life changing experience when I got my dog, Zoey.

It was a boiling hot summer day in the small town of Marion, Alabama. We were visiting my grandparents and the family for the summer. Since it’s been roughly two years since I’ve seen them because we were living overseas during that time away. It was a family road trip but forme it was torture. Unlike those cliche brady bunch movies where they have sing alongs and picnics. Instead there were a lot of fighting, yelling a rare spurts of laughter. …show more content…

As we drove past all the run down buildings and magnolia trees we reached to my grandma’s house. And right when we pulled up their was this little polar bear looking dog sitting on their porch. The moment I laid eyes on her I fell in love with her warm brown eyes. As I got out of the car I hugged my grandparents I see the dog again only this time it’s hiding shamefully behind the rocking chairs. My grandma saw the concern look that appears manifestation like on my face. She started mumble the story of how my grandpa found her tied up in this abandoned house left to die. And the only reason he went into this house because he heard her bewailing cries echoing through the quiet small

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