Personal Narrative: What We Learn From Failure

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What we learn from Failure.
The lessons we learn from failure aren't always life changing or the most important but no matter what our failures will always better us and set us up for success in the future. In my personal experience my failures, big or small have helped me achieve success in various ways even if I didn't notice it at first. The most memorable failure that has affected me was not trying in my first 3 years of high school allowing my future to slip from the grips of my hands. I've failed countlessly and a snap of reality, helping hand and a little encouragement/hope from others has helped me learn from my failure which has lead me to much success.
Failing and poor grades in multiple classes my freshman, sophomore and junior years was …show more content…

What had ultimately made me want to learn and fix my failures was hearing my closest friends talk about how
"One day well all be successful driving exotic cars and living the dream life!"
At the moment I agreed but realized on the inside that i would not be apart of this glamorous and wonder future they spoke about if had kept doing what I'd had been doing which was not trying.

Failing is easier to admit but the affects of failing aren't always easy to be fixed or healed so quickly. My failure in school had effected my life in all aspects that I never thought could be affected. The biggest affect that failing did to me was losing my personal connection with my mother, I had lost this connection with her because it's hard to love someone that doesn't care or show they care. This eventually lead to me getting kicked out of my house and me abandoning my younger brother without someone to look up to. Another, major affect of my failure was my GPA and my chances of getting into a university that would have lead me to pursuing a career that would be successful and an ideal future. The affects of my failure weren't the best at first but when I decided to learn from my failure the affects had taken a turn for the

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