Personal Narrative: What I Learned

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Looking back on the last seven weeks of this summer, I realize that I have learned a lot. I have learned more than how to write twenty-one different genres. I have also learned important life lessons that were not spelled out in the curriculum. To me it’s hard to believe that only 3 months have gone by since the last time I cleaned the salt water off my tools and dive gear. At that time I wasn’t going to miss working in a muddy river on forty year old submarines. I remember my anxiety at that time would run high at the thought of what was in store for me when I started college. When I arrived in Logan, Utah I did not have much time to register for classes. I didn’t put much thought into taking Intro to Writing, all I said was “I hope I can …show more content…

Coming into a class that was testing a new curriculum was a little bit of a shock to my system. I quickly learned that I needed to be more flexible and just go with the flow. I stressed out trying to make sure I was doing all of the correct assignments and doing them on time. I also learned a lesson in time management. Setting time aside to spend with my family and still be able to finish my papers was very important to me. There is always something to do during summer so it took a lot of self-discipline to focus on my homework. The last few weeks have gone by fast and I can’t believe this semester is almost …show more content…

In the past I did not take my education seriously. I set very low goals for myself when it came to my academics. When I came into the class, I would have been happy just passing. After spending the last seven weeks trying to do the best I could, I find myself not being satisfied with a B. I know that I can do more than I thought possible. I have come out of this class with a new goal to do my best to graduate with honors. I want to take my education seriously and leave college being a more intelligent person. You never know what will happen in life, when life doesn’t go your way it’s possible to lose everything. The only thing in life that can’t be taken away from you is knowledge, and knowledge is

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