Personal Narrative: What I Learned In My Class

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The skills and knowledge I learned in this course were based on why I chose my major and how it is important in the world we live in today. When I learned more about my major it made me want to study harder in class because being part of a company or owning your own is not easy. I realize that there are big issues that many business people have to overcome to keep their jobs. Even if employees of a company work efficiently, they are always at risk of losing their jobs if the company they are working for decreases in sales and has to lay off employees to stay running. I learned that my major in Business Administration takes a lot more than a great smile and a hand shake when I move on to a career and it is going to be tough and I gained knowledge …show more content…

I didn’t listen. Soon after I received my grade the teacher gave me a “C” and commented on my assignment, saying that the paper I wrote was an informative essay. After that grade I asked more questions in class a little more often and I tried harder to listen to the lectures in class but it was very difficult considering I have ADHD and I was hard-headed at the same time. I thought I knew everything so in the peer reviews I listened to what the group was talking about but I still really didn’t go out of my way to get help. After I submitted my Reporting Information assignment I got another “C” because I had written a Textual Analysis. At this point of the semester I knew I had to do something so I became more involved in class by asking the teacher questions and I learned how to structure my papers from the online rubrics so I began to do fairly well. After class I would ask as many questions as I could to my classmates and my teacher through emails because I wanted to apply myself more than I was selling myself

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