Personal Narrative: Type 1 Diabetes

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I am Hanna Wieland and I am thirteen. I have been living with diabetes for nine years. When I was four, I kept wetting the bed at night and was constantly having to go to the restroom. It was to the point where I would be going to go the restroom at night and I would still be half asleep and go right there as I was walking. My parents then took me to the hospital around one to two o’clock and the doctor ran several test on my bladder. After the tests came back negative they decided to check my blood. I was over 650. They then decided to go on a carb free diet and check me the next morning. In the morning I was still super high. The morning of January 2, 2008, is when I was diagnosed with Type One Diabetes. Almost immediately following the diagnoses, my parents and I started learning how to treat and handle Type One diabetes. …show more content…

I then want to go to college for either a detective/police man, physical therapist, or a doctor.
To promote T1D I have sold bracelets and scarfs to raise money and done multiple presentations for school about living with diabetes, what diabetes is, and how to put on an insulin pump. Some of them were shown school district wide. I love going to diabetes walks with my friends and family.
I think that the US government should definitely support diabetes related issues because I know that the people living with T1D are a strong community together and with the help of the US government, we may come closer to a cure quicker.
One of the main things I like about having diabetes is I have gone to diabetes camp for 6 years and I love it and all the people who I have met there. I also love going to diabetes walks with friends and family. I know that even if I live with diabetes with the rest of my life, it won’t stop me from doing the things I love. I personally feel that diabetes has made me at least 50% stronger and more

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