Personal Narrative: Try-Out Of The School Volleyball Team

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In sixth grade I wanted to try-out for the school volleyball team. But what I didn’t know was that all of the other girls had way more experience than I did. Nervous, I tried out for the team. By this point, I had only been playing volleyball for one year but only knew the basics. Even though I didn’t know a lot about volleyball I still wanted to make the team. I remember the feeling of stepping on the court for the first time. On the day of tryouts I was so nervous, scared, and excited all at the same time. Near the end of tryouts, the coaches give you a slip of paper that is stapled together that tells you to either come back tomorrow or to keep practicing and come back next year. But they tell you not to open it until you get to your car …show more content…

I was so determined that I always had a volleyball in my hand. “I never put it down” according to my siblings. I remember passing and setting to myself and to the wall. After coming in from playing volleyball outside I remember coming into the kitchen when my siblings were talking to my mother. I overheard them saying “She never plays with us anymore, all she cares about is volleyball, and I wish she wouldn’t play volleyball so much.” I felt like a lousy sister since I had been spending more time with my volleyball than my own family. When school came around the following year, I decided not to give up and tryout again. I had improved since the previous year. I was more jittery this time correlated to last year’s tryouts. This time I had made it through every cut. It took two weeks for Coach Mullins to select her team. But I didn’t care how long it took, all I cared about was making the team that year. On the final day of tryouts, towards the end, we received the minuscule stapled piece of paper once again. Just like the preceding year, my family and I had all gathered around in the living room and I gradually opened it to find “Congratulations, you have made the RNR volleyball team! Our first practice will be held on…” Subsequently, I had burst into tears of joy. My hard work had paid off. I was so proud of myself for accomplishing my goal of making the RNR volleyball

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