Personal Narrative: The Wolf Trail

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On a mysterious island, not far from Hawaii but never visited, lived a pack of wolves. Five in total, all white as snow with gray paws as if they had boots on. Their eyes as gray as clouds on a stormy day. Their names similar to each other, Tyler as the leader. Ryder was the other male of the pack. Then there were three girls Maya, Bethany, and Taylor. These wolves lived in the only cave on this island. They never left the cave for anything, ever, not even food! They lured other animals in for food instead of going outside, terrified of what could be on the other side of the rock wall. These wolves had a very strict daily routine and Tyler never let anyone mess it up. No one ever tried, they were too scared of the punishment until now. …show more content…

I was going to leave this cave, no matter what the consequence is when I return. My thoughts wandered about what is on the outside of that rock wall as everyone continue to ramble. I wasn’t listening though all I could think about is why we were all so terrified of what was outside this cold dark cave. We all grew up in this cave never questioning our parents. Wondering day after day, night after night, month after month. Years have crept by and no one ever questioned on why we couldn’t leave the cave. After they died, we all started to wonder what was outside, but Tyler told us tales of Monsters in the night. We all knew they were lies, but we went along with them for the sake of our parents …show more content…

“What are all of you rambling off about?” “Nothing”, says everyone at once. Everyone knew not to tell Tyler that I was even thinking of leaving the cave. He would lose his mind at just the thought of anyone leaving this cave. We continued with our routine and today was my turn to get the food. As everyone waited in the dining room, I decided to make my move. I lured the animals in as I was supposed to but instead of going to the dining room, I left out of the small hole we had to bring food in. This was the beginning of my journey. It was beautiful, nothing like in the cave. There was green stuff all on the ground with colors popping out in patches. The sky was blue with white puffs of fur floating about. I was so excited I couldn’t contain myself. I was running and jumping, howling with joy. All the animals around were so happy and friendly, they didn’t even question me being outside.It was everything I had ever imagined. I wandered around for a while longer enjoying every moment, not wanting it to ever

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