Personal Narrative: The Story Of Beauty And The Beast

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I believe you’ve all heard the story of Beauty and the Beast. Let me tell you, none of it is true. Especially the part about Beauty being a wonderful singer. A goat is a better singer than her. The part about me being a prince who turned into a beast is one of the only true things about the story. It had all started when Beauty’s father came into my castle. There had been a terrible storm outside and the old man probably got lost in the forest. And looking at him, all cold and miserable and half dead, only a heartless person would leave him to rot! But I know how scary I can be to other people, so I couldn’t be a proper host and greet him. I just set out a chair by a warm fire with some blankets and good soup. He just sat right in it, and he …show more content…

And you still haven’t answered my question about who you are! And get down from there, I’m sick of yelling.” “I am Beast,” I answered as I quickly came down. She huffed and began walking to where I told her her father was. “Beast, huh? Not a very good name to name someone. I am Beauty.” “I would say the same thing about Beauty.” She was going to reply until she say her father. He was sleeping at the moment but she still ran to him, excited to see him alive. She was very careful not to wake him but saw that she was well cared for. And then she did the most impossible thing. She thanked me for caring for her father! “I think I’ll stay here with him until he gets better. You wouldn’t mind that, would you?” A stupid man would have said no. I, however, liked her. I could sure use the company. And for the first few days, I didn’t see much of her. She would stay by her father, speaking quietly with him and making sure he felt better. But then, after that, she began exploring more. Talking to me. I was quite surprised to hear that she could not only read, but invented things! She, in return, laughed quite hard when I told her I bake and

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