Personal Narrative: The Little Mermaid Musical

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“When you want what you want more than you fear what you want, you will have it.” -Alan Cohen. Just like Alan Cohen, I’ve had to learn to not fear failure of my dreams and just go for it. My dreams are one of the biggest parts of who I am. Over the past two years, I’ve realized not to be afraid and just to go for it. My actress dream has especially shaped me because of the life skills I’ve learned. Last year’s musical also gave me valuable memories and lessons. Acting and The Little Mermaid musical at Woodland gave me lessons and memories that have shaped my daily life and thinking in so many ways. Last year, I was in The Little Mermaid at Woodland, with the role of Carlotta. This was such an amazing experience because it taught me teamwork. You’re not always going to like the people you work with. During this, I was able to learn to put away all those feeling and learn to create really awesome scenes. The show was breathtaking, and looking back, it only happened because the cast learned to get …show more content…

Now, my confidence level has come up so much in the past year. Audition rooms are usually plain and grey. Lights beam down on you. The camera people and directors rarely show emotion. You’re standing there pouring your heart out while everyone else just stares with poker faces. That’s not exactly comforting. However, I’ve had to learn how to deal with it and now, I can walk into an audition room confident and proud. Preparation is another huge skill acting taught me. You can’t walk into an audition room hoping to do your best, if you haven’t even prepared. Preparation is key, and has also helped with my level of determination. I used to get really anxious, and all I could think was, “I need this part!” I realized that with anything you do in life, as long as you are determined and actually work for it, you will do you best. It will be okay, whether you get the role or not. There’s a difference between determined and

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