Personal Narrative: The Exploratorium

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If I were to imagine one of my significant experiences, I would imagine a place where I could play with anything within my whole panoramic view. Now, if I zoom into that place, I see a plethora of contraptions varying in mechanical complexity. A scientific playground that combines the arts and science, the Exploratorium would fulfill that whole description. Here, I was spending my last day in San Francisco, eagerly running to the doors of the Exploratorium for the joy of tourism. Inside, I knew I would be greeted by the most intriguing of mechanisms and see how art could possibly connect its world to science. Walking through the parking lot in front of two double-doors, I stepped onto the sidewalk and pushed open the glass doors with my family. The first thing I noticed… was a strange sense of monotony with grey and more grey. There was not an overwhelming amount of lighting, as it was mostly natural. In the way was a poster board taller than me completely covered by Exploratorium stickers. Ignoring the board and walking around it, suddenly, it seemed like the whole world lit up. With the poster board behind me, a whole view of all the gizmos that all the kids and adults are experimenting with …show more content…

I found a couple of exhibits that I enjoyed back there, including a water fountain. As cool, refreshing water leaped up to reach my mouth, I would hear the sound of contemporary music. As I have an obsession with music, I fiddled with it a couple of times. It was one of those moments where I wanted to immediately tell my mom about what just happened. Another one of my favorite contraptions allowed me to feel sparks as a handle was cranked. I stared at those streaks of yellow as they flew to the palm of my hand, feeling only tiny prickles. One of the best parts about doing this was that it was impossible for me to get wounded as those sparks were made of such tiny pieces of

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