Personal Narrative: Part Of A Company Wide Basketball Tournament

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I was fortunate enough last month to be a part of a company wide basketball tournament with my store. Because it was co-ed, one of the rules stated that each team needed at least two girls on the court to play. The 2nd manager at my store agreed to play, yet she never played basketball in her life. She agreed to let me take breaks every now and then, but ultimately I would play the whole time. The tournament had two halves, twenty minutes for each and I knew that this would be a challenge. I wasn't discouraged, excited more than anything, to play with my coworkers and try to win the whole tournament. The guys on my team played basketball together and were really well rehearsed. The first game we played together was surely a learning experience …show more content…

We had an hour break of rest before our next opponents and we were tired. I twisted my ankle and was winded from all of the running I did those past three games. But we came for the win. The last game we played that night wasn't actually a walk in the park. I suppose that the referee was tired from all of the previous games and decided not to catch obvious fouls and flaws in our game. Our opponents were ruthless, elbowing, shoving, punching at one point, and the referee never seemed to call anything. We started to plummet vastly as a team as the game weened on. We were missing easy shots, walking on the court, giving up what we worked so hard to achieve. We defeated ourselves that game. The negligence we all had about our mission in the tournament was embarrassing. We had a team meeting about the last game and modified it for that next day of the tournament. I instantly felt that I let my team down by not trying my hardest even though I played endless games. The ordeal made me want to play even better for the games the next day. This loss taught me that no matter how hard things get never to give up because you might have lost the battle but ultimately the victory will come from the

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