Personal Narrative: Our Lady Of Perpetual Help

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Three virtues that my Saint have are Humility, Kindness, and Patience. I specifically chose these because, after all, Our Lady of Perpetual Help is our Blessed Mother. Virgin Mary, during her life, is known for these traits. One way my Saint showed love for others was by allowing individuals to pray to her no matter their situation. She is happy to help anyone who is willing to ask for it. Our Lady of Perpetual Help also intercedes for us towards our Heavenly Father. I could follow this Saint in my daily life today, by serving others. This means that I could go and volunteer in places that are in need of help, such as going to a hospital and taking care of the sick or by applying to the Red Cross and traveling to areas where natural disasters hit and help families there, by giving them first aid or food. Another thing, is that I could be …show more content…

He continued on his way, this time taking the icon with him as he traveled the sea. While they sailed, a strong storm hit, threatening the lives on the ship. Both, passengers and crew members began praying to the icon for help, and eventually the storm calmed and they were saved. Once the merchant arrived in Rome he became ill and before he could pass away, he asked a close friend to take the icon and to place it in a church, where it could be venerated. His close friend, who was also a merchant, told his wife. Upon seeing the icon and finding it beautiful, his wife refused to give it to the church and hung the image in her home. Almost immediately after, their daughter was visited by the Virgin Mary, in a dream, where she asked the image be placed between the Basilicas of St. Mary Major and St. John Lateran, in Rome. The wife complied and gave up the image to Augustinian Friars. On March 27, 1499, Our Lady of Perpetual Help was housed at the Church of St. Matthew and was venerated for 300

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