Personal Narrative On A Beach

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June 6, 1944. As we climbed aboard our landing craft a mix of emotions came rushing to in. We had been told that we were part of the biggest amphibious assault in history. We had been training up to this point for the last three and a half months. 156,000 troops, 11,590 aircraft and 6,939 naval ships had all amassed for this one important day. Today, history would be made. The olive-drab sea of helmets lurched forward as the landing craft plunged into the water. The cold ocean spray glistened on the surface of everything it touched. Private Johnny Morris glanced at the men around him. A tough rugged group he couldn’t be prouder to serve alongside. Some prayed, while others held pictures of family before tucking them safely inside their jackets. As they neared the beaches …show more content…

Personally, I'll take my chances on that beach than in this deathtrap. Look over there! At least two of these babies have sunk less than a mile off!' I attempted to adjust his gear and his grip on his rifle. Amid the chaos and ever increasing artillery fire, I thought of my last visit to a beach, at Brooks Pond. During high school, as the weather grew warm, I would often skip school with Vince and hitchhike to the beach. Vince had always been troublemaker between the two of us. Orphaned at an early age, he had been raised by a drunken uncle, and without a father's guidance, he had grown up in the streets always getting into fights. On the other hand, I had a loving, structured family. Dad was a kind and forgiving man. It was mom's kind nature that created my friendship with Vince. Vince and I had signed up for the Army at the same time. After basic training, the two of us strutted around town, so proud of our accomplishments. As full-fledged fighting men, we could now join the fight. When the time came to say good-bye, I tried to avoid the look in my parents' eyes. Regaining my composure, I said farewell and walked out of the

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