Personal Narrative Of A Car

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On Tuesday December 17, 2013, I was returning from my place of

employment at the U.S. Air Force Academy traveling east bound

on woodman road, while waiting in heavy traffic at the

intersection Lexington and woodman traffic light. I witness a rear

end auto Collision through the rear view mirror and side view

mirror of my vintage 1993 Cadillac Deville. At approximately 1515

hours I had become the victim of rear end Collison. After

observing a speeding car in my side view mirror , then realizing

this car was not going slow down, I began to brace myself for

impact by ensuring my seat belt was fastened and having a firm

grip on the steering wheel . I hear a loud boom clashing noise and

felt the jolting force of the impact. The result …show more content…

The emergency room

nurse was describing and showing me a picture of my accident.

In Everything Give Thanks


The rear tires of my Cadillac was on the roof of the other car,

while the front end rested on the crown of the chrome bumper,

with all amazement no damage to my car’s front end , grill,

headlights not even a scratch on the paint, and my car did not

collide with the car that was in front . As I reflect on this, a

scripture comes to mind “the angel of the Lord encamps around

those who fear him, and he delivers them”. New living translation

psalm 34:7. The more I ponder this; it looked as if the angel

stopped my car and held it in place preventing it from tilting and

landing upside down. Though I did not escape unscathed, a mild

concussion, cervical strain, neck and back pain, PTSD and driving

anxiety worked out for my good. This resulted in being medically

unsuited for the Job qualifying me for a medical retirement. I

greatly enjoy doing my job as federal civilian employee, which is

Motor Vehicle Operator. I really enjoy driving over size vehicle,

such as 65 passengers Buses, Tractor trailers and more. I must

close the door on something I enjoy and open another new

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