Personal Narrative: My Car Race

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As my left foot lands in front of my right I pounder all of the things that the blame can be put on. My mind is racing from on thought to the next, but I am finally able to hone in on an idea. The light pole! That's it! There was nothing illuminating the black pavement on which I was driving on. How was I supposed to see his truck in the black of the night. As my heart is increasingly beating faster, my mind jumps to the next excuse. A small patch of cold ice, a patch no bigger than the size of my fist. Not a lot of black ice, but just enough to cause the car to slide into his truck. As I swallow, my mouth fills with the chalky taste that you get when you run out of sylvia, I focus on another thought. I could put the blame on the man. If I had known that big, grey truck was parked parallel the the parking spots, then I would have been more cautious as I withdrew my car from the parking spot that I was in. Not only would I have not jumped on the gas pedal, but this whole situation would have been avoided. …show more content…

A bead of sweat rolls down the side of my face, as the wind continuously pushes the freezing air across my exposed cheeks. My brain shifts gears from blaming something else for my actions to, and the importance of taking responsibility for my mistake. My stomach feels as if someone took their fist and is squeezing my inside, but my head is still spinning. Should I tell the man that I am tired and my eyes feel as if they weigh about 20 pounds each and all that I could think about was getting to bed when I should have been thinking about the task at hand. My heart is speeding up as I think about how I did not take the time to look in my rearview mirrors to make sure that to other vehicles were around my in the empty parking lot. Do I just need to come clean and tell him that I was driving to fast in the dark, wet, and slippery

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