Personal Narrative: My Writing Journey

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My writing journey actually begins in Spanish, not English. I was born in Caracas, Venezuela in 1994, and Spanish was my mother tongue. I took some English classes when I was four and I had picked up a few words here and there (apple, oddly enough, being the one that stands out the most in my memory) but I did not learn English until I moved to the United States when I was five. Learning English as a second language meant that I struggled to catch up to my peers, but I pulled it off. I didn’t do a lot of writing while I was young, because outside of state mandated tests, there wasn’t a whole lot that I wanted to write about. That changed around the age of 16. I started to write, not just for school, but also for fun. I would spend my time writing short stories, creating my own little fantasy worlds. I would send some of these in to various short story magazines to try to get published, with little success. My lack of skill didn’t stop me, and I kept writing. At around the same time, give or take a year, I discovered a real love for chemistry as well. It was the class I looked forward to the most. My fondest assignment in high school was actually coming up with an “experiment” for my chemistry class, writing a paper on what I did, and …show more content…

However, I did write a couple of pseudo-papers while I interned with P&G over the summer, but they were mostly about consumer perceptions of shave gel lather and how it relates to the mechanical qualities of the gel. While not real papers, but I did learn how to write for both my bosses, one of which was a scientist and the other a businessman. While it was a fantastic learning experience, it took some of the wind out of my sail and I started to think maybe research wasn’t for me. After a rather uneventful sophomore year, I still hadn’t gotten back into writing either academically or for

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