Personal Narrative-My Trip To The Bahamas

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The Travel Mishap At a Chinese auction, four people’s names were drawn for an exclusive trip to the Bahamas. The four winners arrived at the airport, ready for their tropical vacation, when at the last minute their happiness was destroyed.
“Well this is just fantastic, now isn't it?” complained Miranda Bailey.
“Ugh. I’d rather be stranded on an island than be having a ‘vacation’ in the middle of Ohio,” ranted Tom Hanks.
“Call my Aunt Marie, help her gather all my things. I forgot my phone charger and my coat, she lives 20 minutes from Cincinnati,” said Tyler Joseph.
“We shouldn’t even go at all…” groaned Eeyore.
For some reason their glorious trip to the Bahamas had to be swapped with a trip to Cincinnati, Ohio. But as some sort as compensation …show more content…

Now, I bet you’re wondering how I know how all of this happened. Surprisingly, I was actually their server, even though it was a buffet (since it was a pre-planned dinner that was included with their stay, I had to serve them if needed).
“And what would all of you like to drink this evening?” I asked the group.
“Just water, but no lemon. Lemon in the water is just nasty,” replied Miranda.
“Like my mother always said, life is like a glass of chocolate milk,” piped Tom.
“I’ve got a migraine, so why not just some tea,” added Tyler.
“And I’ll take coffee, but black, like my soul…” said Eeyore.
“Okie dokie fam, I’ll be right back with that for you guys,” I said to them as I skipped away, trying to hide the awkwardness of what Eeyore said.
I came back with their drinks, and naturally they were off to get their food. When they came back it was slightly awkward, because I was just sitting there, so I decided to make small talk. Well, that small talk ended up being them telling me all about how they got there and how mad they were about it.
“Okay, okay. Yes, this was a pretty bad thing that has happened, but it could’ve been worse,” argued Miranda. “So what if we didn’t get to go to the Bahamas, but we still got to go on a vacation.”
“Yeah, we could’ve been sent somewhere against our will or something,” added

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