Red Lobster: A Fictional Narrative

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because he did what he always do, licked his top lip. “Well for starters you can put down that pen.” I did as I was told. The deepness of his voice made me wet between my thighs. He got up and positioned himself behind me. He leaned in close to my neck and said, “Just relax. Come on you know you want to.” After he said that I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. After I exhaled I felt his hands making their way to my breast. It felt so right I didn’t bother stopping him. He began kissing my neck as I stood up while turning around. He grabbed my waist and laid me across the table. As I am reaching for his dick, he was hiking my left leg up. As we are kissing I was thinking to myself, “Damn we are getting it in!” I can’t believe I am cheating on my husband right now. I never thought that I would be stepping outside my marriage. I knew this was wrong and that we needed to stop. But that doesn’t mean I was going to. Now he’s running …show more content…

I walked through the front door and Vaughn was sitting by the lobster tank. I walked up to him and tapped him on his shoulder. He turned around and smiled. He looked at his watch then said, “Wow, you’re on time!” I chuckled generously at his joke as we were shown to our seats. The chemistry between us started off kind of slow. The server approached the table and asked us what we were having. I order scampi shrimp with dirty rice, followed with a long island ice tea. Vaughn ordered fish and a glass of water. When he ordered water that brought up concerns. “I see you’re drinking water. Is it safe for me to say that you don’t drink?” I asked with one eye braw higher than the other. “Yes that is correct. Is there something wrong with me not drinking?” “Not at all, I actually think it’s sexy when a man doesn’t drink!” “Why is

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