Personal Narrative: My Trip To Florida

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It was a murky overcast summer's eve; crisp morsels of rain splashed on the ground vigorously. Sounds of jet engines buzzed in the back of my ear lobes through the torrential downpour. The common sight of the departure time of our flight being delayed yet again caught my eye as we turned the corner towards the gate. Almost an hour later we began to finally line up at the gate to get on the what then seemed massive jet plane. I remember looking out the gigantic floor to ceiling windows at providence airport at the bright blue, red and orange of the jet, so excited to be going on it. Our family carefully chose seats right near the wing emergency exits. I rushed to the window seat, plopped down and buckled my seat belt. I was ready to go to Florida. I barely took up half of the seat, I was 8 or 9, and as a curious kid I was touching nearly anything I could put my hands on. I remember soon after we sat down in the back row on the left of the aircraft the same side as us, I heard a great commotion. A woman at the back was on the phone telling her friend she had drugs and she just took them. Not soon after three men boarded the plane. One had …show more content…

This time I learned some valuable lessons, ones that I will not forget for the rest of my life. My first lesson was that you should never do anything illegal. Although you think I may be lying I can assure you I am not. The embarrassment I saw on that young womans face, is one of the few things from my childhood I can still see very clearly. I know that woman regretted what she had done, and personally I one of my goals in life is to live without regret. I know that I may not regret doing the illegal action, but I will regret getting caught and with my luck I will probably get caught. So I have decided to play it safe rather than sorry, that young woman might not know it, but with her one bad choice she changed my life for the better

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