Personal Narrative: My Sister's Suicide

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Why have I chosen this particular topic to write about? Why do I and others think the way we do? What drives people's behavior? Do our experiences alter our thought processes? These types of questions, are the types of questions that I ask myself everyday. A teacher of mine, Ms. Beller, told me once that we make up to 30,000 decisions each and every day. Those decisions may help determine how our day will play out or how we may react.
There are several events that have changed the course of my life. When I was just 9 years old, my older sister, Kristi, made the decision to end her own life. Did she know the impact her decisions would have on others? Why must I now live without my sister? I could not fully grasp the concept of death, nor could I understand her diagnosis of bipolar disorder. I felt like I was left with way more questions than answers and that drove my thirst for knowledge and understanding of the workings of the brain. My sister's suicide had a huge impact on my life and has created a potential career path for myself in the process. I believe then, in the midst of my grief, ,a small confused child, I subconsciously made it my mission to learn more.
As a child, I was always …show more content…

I hadn't made the connection with how this was playing out in my life, until, by chance, I enrolled in an AP Psychology class. Initially, I scheduled the class only as a way to improve my GPA. I never anticipated how this introduction into Psychology would put the pieces of the puzzle together for me. I never anticipated how comfortable I would feel in that class. I never anticipated that the coursework would be exciting, and had never felt like a chore. I never anticipated how I could read the textbook from cover to cover willingly. I found Psychology so captivating and intriguing that I often found myself losing track of time while researching, studying, writing papers. Finally, my life began to make sense. My passion was finally labeled, identified and

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