Personal Narrative: My Roller Coaster Ride

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I was shaking nervously. I was going on a really scary ride called X-2 with my cousins. We were close to getting on the ride, no chickening out now, Heh. I was scared to death. Everybody looked happy and excited to go on the ride. And I was as pale as a ghost could ever be because We were going on the next ride. Oh and also YOU RIDE BACKWARDS ON THIS RIDE!!! I mean what kind of person makes ride where you ride backwards where you don’t know what’s going to happen and makes the ride 10 times scarier!!! That’s just crazy right!? It doesn’t make any sense at all! And when you’re in line they tell you things not to do on the ride like closing your eyes because it makes it even scarier! Now I have goosebumps on my body, thanks to the people who made this ride. When I finally started to get comfortable it was are turn to go on the ride! C’mon it had to be right when I got comfortable, it just had to be. I stepped on the ride shaking with fear, strapped the seat belt on, pulled down the bar over my head. I found myself breathing really hard! …show more content…

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