Personal Narrative: My Love Of Football

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I used to explore new hobbies, sports and activities but I realized that Football is my favorite of them all. Being able to Watch the sport on television made it much better playing it in person. Football has always seemed to help me cope with things my life when it got stressful. I believe we humans were born to dream and chase what we love. Football is the best sport ever. I wouldn’t know where would I be today if I didn’t develop this love for football and decided to chase it. Football has impacted my life in such a good way and has molded me to the Man I am to this day. When I was about ten years old, I began playing football for my local little league as a wide receiver. I had tried baseball, basketball, and even soccer but I wasn’t able to develop that love I had for football with other sports. football had all my attention. I loved learning the offensive plays. When I played offense, I always had the ball while running down the field. I became untouchable and nobody could stop me. Adrenaline automatically set in and nobody could stand in my way. My parents always supported and cheered for me even when I got tackled or lost the ball. They were always so proud of me. I scored …show more content…

We knew that we had to stand out from the crowd. When the tryouts came, I met every workout with ease. When the season began, I was already accustomed to the long tedious hours of practices but I learned to loved them. We did a variety of activities which made the time pass quickly. I always tried my very best because I remember my coaches telling me that I had to put in the time. I made a concentrated effort becoming the best player that I could be. After my eightieth high school game, I was injured and couldn’t play from the rest of the season. My teammates felt bad for me and supported my recovery. I suffered a badly sprain ankle. I knew that I wouldn’t recover in time to finish the short season. I was devastated and became

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