Personal Narrative: My Journey At Bevill Staet Community College

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In high school, awards were easy to come by. It was not hard to earn appraisal or get gratification of one's work. When I began my journey at Bevill Staet Community College two years ago, all of the familiarities I was used to faded away and were replaced with the hardship and demanding aspect that is college. On that first day, I was introduced to someone who would then become a major influence in my life at Bevill. It all started with an early morning speech class in which I was essentially a fish out of watre. He strolled into the room with determination on his brow but a look of excitemnt in his eyes. The excitement was later to be discovered as a full fledge desire to share all he knew with us, a mere group of fifteen that had no clue …show more content…

I always questioned if what I did was just worthy of a good grade or was I becoming a better person overall. A grade does not properly define a person. It is the dedication, hard work, and emotions that are put into all the essays and problems that count. Anyone can simply write a sentence, but it takes true talent to evoke emotion in just one sentnece. That is ehat Mr. Watt tauught me. We need to be able to eoke emotion. Show others why we are the way we are and why we matter. He taught me to not allow myself to simply blend in but to stand out like vibrant bleu feather among a sea of grey. William Watt taugtht us the impossible and it made coming to class not a chore or an obligation but a down right need to further discover what Mr. Watt had to teach us. Through his lectures, we learned how to be all that we could be. It takes one pebble to send a million waves through a body of water. William Watt is the pebble, and with him as my teacher I saw firsthand as he sent ripples thoughout all the minds he treached with his knowledge. He did not come to class to simply teach us facts out of a book. He went beyond that. He opened our minds to the world around us. Over the course of two years, I have taken two classes with this amazing

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