My Personal Identity

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Since I find most of life’s perplexities so uniquely wonderful, talking about myself has become the most intriguing discussion thread for me. It has given me a chance to cut through the peripherals of the mind and think deeply about who I really am. During my entire life, before coming to ALU, I had never taken the idea of knowing who I am very seriously. It was something I always overlooked and took for granted, oblivious to the fact that it is actually a pivotal aspect to the growth of one’s self as a good leader.

From a very tender age, I have always considered myself to be a diligent and hardworking person. I have come to describe myself in this way because every achievement in my life has been a result of my hard work and persistence. …show more content…

My family background and upbringing have contributed massively to making me the person I am today. I grew up in a rather morally strict family and a community that seriously considers the significance of morals to be important in one’s life. I had absolutely no choice in choosing the identity that resulted because of these conditions, but however, I truly value this given identity. I have grown to become a person who is rather quiet but at the same time a very good listener. I take great pride in listening intently to other people's problems and eventually offering advice. Empathizing with people experiencing different kinds of predicaments has become one of my greatest traits that has been influenced by my background, which I am very proud of. I am also a very religious person. I do not take my religious beliefs and personal values lightly. These two aspects make up part of my core identity and I always try by all means necessary not to deviate away from my principles and what I believe. My religion has therefore guided me in setting up the standards of my personal values and principles. All together, these two parts of my core identity have managed to shape my behavior in a …show more content…

I have managed to accomplish numerous academic achievements during my time in high school, and these include becoming the best student in mathematics, physics and computer science. I have also managed to come out top of the class on several occasions. All of these academic achievements have made me proud of myself and have also brought contentment upon me. But, ever since I came to ALU, I have been able to make an accomplishment that I am super proud of. I have finally been able to control my emotions in any situation, for the betterment of the outcome. The lessons I have learnt on emotional intelligence during my Entrepreneurial Leadership sessions have played an important role in helping me become more self-aware and react proactively. Being emotionally intelligent will help me to become an exemplary leader during my journey to fulfill my life aspiration as an actuarial

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