Personal Narrative: My Journal Entry

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“Dear Journal, I’m having a hard time writing because I’m weak. I have felt terrible the past couple of days to the point where I just wanted to cry myself to sleep every night and I do not understand why.” This is a journal entry I wrote on June 19, 2014. Growing up, I’ve always had the amazing family, friends, and a relationship with God, laughter was my medicine, and I loved being around people. I went to a Christian school all my life, I was always around the same faces, and I was comfortable in my environment. My family and I lived in Russia for missionary work and I was a pastor's kid. I have always felt like I had an easy life and had everything I could have ever needed. When sixth grade came to an end, my family got an email …show more content…

Anxiety feels like you’re trapped with only your thoughts, but it feels like a frustrating fire, drowning you and you have no control over it. Earlier in the story I mentioned, I was a pastor’s kid, my brother and I would always attend church every Wednesday and our youth had a July 4th celebration. I was not sure if I should go since I was not fully feeling like myself and I felt very weak that day, but it was July fourth, how could I skip a celebration? When I showed up I just hung out with my friends, but about thirty minutes into the night I felt myself wanting to burst into tears. Why? Why was I feeling this way when I was surrounded by the people who make me happy and love me the most? I did not understand but my emotions were bigger than me. I found my brother and said, “I need to go home, bring me home now.” He questioned me because he did not understand, no one did. The thing about anxiety is, no one knows what you're feeling at the moment because any little thing can trigger it. After that memory of the worst night of church, I just stopped going every week. My relationship with God began to get weaker in my time of need and every night I would lock the door to my room, cry, and ask Him why this was happening to

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