Personal Narrative : My Heart Stopped

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My heart stopped. I had been waiting for this day, and here it was, the letter I had been waiting for had finally arrived, laying on the cold kitchen countertop, unaccompanied by any other correspondence. My heart stopped. I dreaded this day as much as I had been anticipating it. But this was only the beginning. As I pulled off the seal on the envelope my heart began to race. To this day I still don’t exactly understand the events that took place on the day that i would last see my grandparents. I was four years old, I didn’t know that then but today i do. As a matter of fact, i did not know much of anything that day. I did not know the time of day, i did not know the man in the cab, nevertheless his reason for showing up at our tiny mountainside mudhouse. I didn’t know that that would be the last time i would be see my grandparents, and I certainly didn’t know that my life was about to take a wild and unexpected turn that to this day i fall victim to. Fast Forward to 2009, 9 years later, and it is was then that i began to question things, It was then that I found out I was illega...

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