Personal Narrative: My First Job

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A lot of experiences have made me who I am today. Getting my first job made me not only mature but also responsible. In our teenage years we are always looking for new opportunities. Many of us want to know what the real world ahead of us feels like. We want to have our own money, buying things we earned and deserve. The moment I realized I had an interview my heart began to beat fast and my palms began to sweat. My heart felt like it would escape my body. That night I couldn't sleep, thinking of what to wear, what to say, what questions to ask. On the day of my interview I arrived two hours early and got lost for a whole hour. The park was so big yet, I felt as if I were walking in circles. It was about 50 degrees that day and my hands were partially frozen, yet I managed to use my GPS and find my way through the park ending, up just where I had started and feeling completely silly. It truly was a day I will never forget because I got my first job. A salary of $8.75 an hour sounded just right. …show more content…

My first job was Central Park Zoo, where punctuality is key and holidays are mandatory. For me there were no more parties on Friday nights because I had to be up and ready by seven. Not only was this a big impact on myself but also on my family, they realized I was becoming more of an adult . I began to own up to more responsibilities in the house. For example, I began to pay house bills and groceries, which really shocked my parents due to my young age. They began to see I was no longer a child. Even though I felt this was a good time in my life, having a job was harder than I expected. I would get home exhausted and drained from work , waking up early almost every day.In fact, I began to miss all kinds of family events such as barbeques and adventures to the lake, all for the minimum wage I was making. Yet, at the end of the day I was completing a major personal

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