Personal Narrative: My Failure Of High School

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My High School years were not my best attempt with an academic institution. Furthermore, I failed my ninth-grade English class, twice. In addition, my junior and senior years were spent at a vocational school, an attempt to get as far away from academics as possible. Immediately after graduating high school, I attended Ohio University for the fall, winter, and spring quarters of the 2008-2009 school year, the university hadn’t switched to a semester schedule yet. Surprisingly, I did well during the fall quarter. However, I didn’t do so well during the winter quarter and completely bombed the spring quarter. In fact, the university dismissed me, based on my academic performance. Consequently, I spent the next several years of my life working crappy jobs and wasting time. After working a numerous amount of years …show more content…

The first class on my schedule was English Composition I, instructed by professor David Chapman and his class was the first class I had attended in almost ten years. As I began turning in first couple and awaiting the resulting grades, I found myself increasingly unsure how of my second attempt at higher education would conclude. Then, the grades were posted and to my amazement I was not only passing the class, but I was also carrying an “A” grade for the clear majority of the semester; A feat that a younger version of myself would have found unimaginable. My favorite assignment was the narrative essay; And, because my confidence as a writer was continually expanding due to my high grade, I proudly volunteered to have my essay peer-reviewed during class. I knew I had written a good paper because I knew how much effort I put into writing; However, I wasn’t expecting to have such an overwhelming positive

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