Personal Narrative: My Decision To Transfer School

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In this essay the goal is to help get a clearer idea of why I am deciding to transfer schools and why I have chosen the University of Miami. Not only that but also to understand where I am coming from and who I am. Throughout my schooling, I always excelled in the top classes in high school and was in enriched sciences and high math. Like any other seventeen year old, I had no idea what I wanted to do and that is where the journey begins. After graduating high school, in Quebec, we go to C.E.G.E.P. instead of doing grade 12. I attended Dawson College where I was in Social Sciences, trying to find my path. I made the mistake of listening to everyone else but myself when making a decision towards my future. I realized I wanted to practice law and I did not like the business world. Regardless for Common Law a Bachelors degree is needed, therefore I decided to apply into Honors Business at University of Ottawa not realizing what I was getting into. …show more content…

This lead to having a year off, and I could not comprehend why I was feeling this way and could not accept it either. I chose to ignore it and went back to school a semester early because I did not want to admit that I was sick. Evidently, I went back too early and felt the same way as before and had to accept my sickness. That resulted into reducing my course load from four to two classes, which is where I am now. I needed the time to think about what I really wanted and I realized being in business was not what I wanted. Law is where I want to be and is my end goal in my academic career. My CGPA was not that great due to my sickness and I knew I would not get into law with those grades. So I decided I need a new start, a second chance and in the right program to help me achieve my goals. I looked around at Canadian schools but none of them seemed appealing in what they had to

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