Personal Narrative: My Controversy Over Dance

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I did competitive dancing from age 3 to age 13, and I was very passionate about dancing. I had become very close to my dance family and all the teachers. For the most part, these people had been around me my whole life and watched me grow up. In 8th grade, I had to make a choice between volleyball and dancing. My schedule wouldn’t allow for both, and I was honestly heartbroken and torn. Dancing was my way out of all the things that stressed me out in life. If I was having a bad day, I relied on dance class to help escape life or bad things, and to focus on something I love and be around people that make me happy. On the other hand, I loved volleyball and was passionate about it. Although I had just started the sport, I loved everything about it and the way it was executed. …show more content…

Considering that I used to miss hanging out with my friends and parties because of dance, I would’ve never thought that I would choose another sport over it. I think I made this decision because I felt as if it was time for something new. I will always love my dance family and still support them to this day, but once again at this time, I think I needed something new. Overall, I am beyond grateful that I made the choice to choose volleyball over dance. Making this choice introduced me to some of my best friends that I never would’ve talked to otherwise. Also, volleyball has taught me different skills, emotionally and physically. I’ve only been playing volleyball for three years now, but I’ve realized that one huge factor to the game is your mindset and momentum. You have to make sure to encourage your team through the good times and bad, and you also never ever give up. Volleyball is a crazy sport, but I have learned the ways of it and I couldn’t imagine not playing. Although I have to express myself in a different way, it’s slowly becoming that escape place that I go

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