Personal Narrative: Mission Trip

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It happened around the time families are home sitting around the table together, laughing together, making memories together in the warmth and comfort of their own home. This is something my family would be doing at home too, but on this evening we decided to go out to eat, so Sizzlers it was! As we sat there stuffing our faces I was thinking about how much food we consume, how much food we waste, just how much of everything we had. It was in that moment when I got the memory of a mission trip I went on a couple years ago...
In that moment I took myself back to San Francisco. I remember sitting down with homeless people, bringing them sack lunches, and talking to them about their life stories. These people had no food, they had no shelter, …show more content…

I knew my leftovers would get taken home, sit in the fridge for a couple days and then get thrown out. It was then when I saw a man walking with a shopping cart full of his blankets and a few other items that belonged to him. My heart suddenly raced and something within me was saying “go!” I watched him walk by as I quickly tried to fill up my box with food. I ran out of the restaurant and when I got close enough I said “Excuse me? Excuse me, sir?” He turned around, looked right at me and I said “Are you hungry? I have some food for you,” His eyes instantly lightened up as he said “Oh my goodness, yes, thank you so much young lady, thank you!”
This may seem like something very small, and of course it wasn’t a big deal for me to give him my leftover food, but to him it was a big deal. Not only did I make this man happy, but as I walked back inside I felt happy also. There’s something about the helping others that can also make you feel good inside. This story isn’t to boast about helping a homeless person, it is to show that when we help others, it will make them happy as well as yourself.So I am encouraging you to help someone in need, trust me, it’ll make their day a little brighter, and I can guarantee it’ll make your day as

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