Personal Narrative: Living Together Before Marriage

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Growing up with two very religious parents, I was told living together before marriage was unacceptable. Both of my parents are very strict about this subject. They believe choosing to co-habitat before marriage is going against the commitment the God instituted. The Bible describes marriage as a committed relationship between one man and one woman. Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh. So they are no longer two but one flesh. In the Bible it never says two people should not live together before marriage. I believe in living together before marriage if the two people in the relationship are eyeing towards the same goal of marriage. I think if two people are living …show more content…

Testing the waters before tying the knot is a smart idea to see how compatible your relationship really is. You will never truly know someone until you actually live with them. Many people have small annoying habits that a person never sees until living under the same roof. Such as leaving their dirty clothes everywhere, never putting things back where they are supposed to go, not helping out with chores around the house and never replace the toilet paper roll. These small habits can be very annoying to their partner and can lead to greater problems in the end if not fixed. When choosing to live together before marriage I think couples have to be smart about it. You should never move in with someone because it is the logical reason. You should want to do this because it is the next step in your relationship. That tells a person you both are taking the idea of marriage seriously that you wanted to try it out with the person you want to spend the rest of your life with before committing and it be the worst thing ever. Some people will break up, but they will know they gave it their best shot and they will have a sigh of relief that they did not commit to something before trying it

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